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Romance Academy 2: Oriental Flirting Jogo para Raparigas

(2.33 MB) adicionado em 21 Oct 2011 16,922 vezes jogadas 1 jogador, Flash, Amor

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Descrição do jogo:

"Romance Academy 2: Oriental Flirting" is the thrilling sequel to the popular first installment of the game. Set in a vibrant festival atmosphere, this game invites you to immerse yourself in a whirlwind of flirty encounters with charming boys. As the beloved main character, your objective is to win the hearts of the boys who have gathered at the festival. The more hearts you collect, the closer you'll get to achieving your ultimate goal.

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Este jogo é parte de uma série :Romance Academy

Romance Academy 2: Oriental Flirting
Romance Academy 2: Oriental Flirting
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