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Katherine Heigl Make Up Jogo para Raparigas

(1.09 MB) adicionado em 16 Aug 2009 397 vezes jogadas 1 jogador, Flash, Infantis, Embelezamento

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Descrição do jogo:

Katherine Heigl's sex appeal level was the subject of much discussion at We wanted to approach her with the idea of our "Babe Thermometer," but we quickly figured out that the idea would get shot down in a heartbeat when we suggested where the thermometer should be placed.

So we resigned ourselves to a more primitive sex appeal test; how long it would take before male staffers made a comment about a) her anatomy or, b) what they would "do" to her. Needless to say, about two seconds elapsed before a comment was made, which easily qualified Katherine Heigl for the Sexiness Hall Of Fame.

Controles do jogo

This game is played with mouse only.

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Katherine Heigl Make Up
Katherine Heigl Make Up
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